Helping RachelPi

March 4th, 2015 by

Some time ago we were forwarded a plea by Liz Upton who’s sort of famous on the internet for some sort of cheap computer, on behalf of World Possible, which said

This brings us to good news / bad news.  Last month we pushed through 5TB of
FTP traffic, and over 20TB of FTP traffic on the year.  That's great, about
700 RACHEL downloads - but our web host isn't as excited with our success
and cut us off yesterday.

Liz thought this was the sort of thing we might be able to help with. So we got in contact and we’ve set them up with one of our older inexpensive servers to act as a new host. As it’s an educational project that we’d like to support; we thought we’d donate some bandwidth to help out. Since it nicely coincided with a substantial bandwidth upgrade in our Cambridge data centre we’d put the service there.

So far they seem pleased!

which is handy because some of their other suppliers who pay Amazon rates for bandwidth were a little bit annoyed with them.